Ademoni- A Health Food Drink

Imagine a drink which not only symbolizes the sacredness and vitality of Earth and our connection to it, but the Oneness of Humanity and the Oneness of God. This drink is currently not being manufactured.


There is a point in the story of Rosiah, in The Book of Rosiah, where he reaches the Summit of Summits, and at the top of this summit there is a tree with purple fruit. The fruit is shaped like a heart. The roots of this tree sink deep into the mountain, unto the center of Earth, entwined with her heart. He plucks of this fruit and sees that the heart is beating. After taking a bite, he reaches complete realization, and Yahweh instructs Rosiah of his imperative in this time. 

Ademoni…the blood of mother Earth…On page 44 of The Book of Rosiah, Rosiah makes a drink in commemoration of the heart shaped fruit he ate before enlightenment…

“Rosiah and The Righteous drunk of Ademoni: 

Drinks which were deep red from crushed cherries, 

Pomegranates, cranberries and blackberries, 

Raspberries and beets…but non-alcoholic.” 

-Pg. 44, The Book of Rosiah 

Ademoni is a Hebraic word used to describe King David. Often translated as red or ruddy, its true meaning is much richer. The root of Ademoni is dam, which means blood. Adam means mankind, crafted from the red clay of Earth. Adamah means Earth. We all come from Adam. We all come from the Earth. We are all children of Yahweh. Ademoni will ground you in The Root. 

-Johnathan Abraham Antelept- Founder